Thursday 18 June 2015


3000 word essay

This is an illustrated essay of three thousand (3000) words (approximately 6 A4 sides) based on the theme you have chosen (use self assigned project theme). It should be written in an academic style, with references and quotes (saying where you have got them from) and a bibliography.

Your essay could follow the following structure

1. Introduction

Why is it important to study your topic, how prevalent is it in society, why is it important to study in general.
Do not write this in the first person, e.g. do not write 'I have chosen this because…' 

2. Brief History

This is an overview of the history of your topic, don’t write biographies but mention the big names. Include some pictures especially important to include some early ones. It would be good if you could explain the picture by referring to the technical developments in photography, e.g. at the start of photography exposure times were very long so action pictures were impossible, for example war pictures had to be effectively still lives and considered of posed groups or the battlefield after the battle.

3. Two current photographers

Do not write biographies but have a look at the styles of a couple of photographers. Include two samples of their work and analyse them but try to do it so you say things, for example, like ' the picture clearly shows the comparison between rich and poor in such a way that the viewer would be forced to consider the moral implications of money.' 

4. How does your work fit in to this

Include a couple of samples of work you have already shot and discuss them. Here you are allowed to write in the first person.

5. The future

Bearing in mind the technological development how to you see this aspect of photography developing in the future.

6. Conclusion

Just wrap it up summarising the main points that you have made.

Bibliography of all sources used

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