Sunday 22 November 2015

Shoot 4 - masculine and feminine lighting work diary

In this shoot I once again experimented with gel lighting but this time I explored how I can change the atmosphere of a photo due to the colours included and their connotations. In this shoot I used colours which are not stereotypically associated with the model and therefore creating very unique pieces which have very interesting effects. Here I used considerably masculine colours on the female subject and then feminine colours on the male model. I used the same setup as before which lighting gels either side of the subject and also used the technique where I directed one of the lights on the background in order to make it a specific colour. In this shoot  I attempted to create specific colour schemes where a certain colour is dominant and i feel that my outcomes are very successful as they fulfil my original aspirations.
Lighting Diagram 

For these images I used a black background and two gel lights plead slightly behind the model in order to allow her to stand out. I have been able to create a slight type of lens flair or mist which contributes to the overall colour scheme of blue. I have used two different tones of blue gels which are stereotypically masculine. This colour is one of trust, honesty and loyalty and seeks peace and tranquility above everything else, promoting both physical and mental relaxation. It reduces stress, creating a sense of calmness, relaxation. However here I feel that I have created a particular cold mood due to the brightness and shade of the blue. In order to continue the blue colour pallet I enhanced the colour of her eyes in order to make them stand out. The two edits above illustrate a difference which I explored in photoshop. In order to amplify the cold mood I changed the temperature of the piece in order to alter the colours and specifically the skin tones of the model. Making her appear much paler and less vibrant.

I feel that this photograph from my shoot is also very effective due to the overall feminine mood created. I achieved this by using pink gels. I directed one of the gel lights onto the background in order tog provide it with colour and then directed the other towards the subject from slightly behind. This light provides a sense of shape, from and structure as it defines the left side of the subject's face, particularly around the temple  cheek, jaw and neck. As identified before the colour pink is feminine and romantic, tender and intimate, thoughtful, sensitive and caring which is normally related to female personalities. This therefore illustrates a clash between the colour and the gender of the model which I feel is very unique and effective. Due to this, there is a deeper meaning to the photograph that originally doesn't become apparent. In fact this colour imply the sexuality of the subject through these of colour.

Similarly to shoot 3 I would like to do a shoot where I can experiment with my editing techniques in order to improve my pictures significantly. I would like to be able to alter the appearance of the subject in order to make them look gritty and dirty rather than just apply makeup. I could perhaps do this with a male model in costume and create a particularly dark gloomy and gritty mood.

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