Thursday 21 January 2016

Connecting Essay

This image of David Beckham was on an advertisement for Hugo Boss suits. Here David is placed on a chair to positioned slightly to the left of the composition, causing some negative space to the right side of the compositions. There is a light coming from the left side of the frame which causes some shadows on the right side of his face. He is placed in front of a black background which creates a very dark moody piece. David is posing with his hand slightly closed next to his face. He is slightly hunched over but looking directly at the camera. The suit patterns is full of flowing lines which change direction and show the form and shape of his body. The colour of his suit is grey and looks quite cold in comparison to his skin which looks warmer and saturated.

The colour scheme which I have created here has been influenced by Annie Leibovitz through using a similar coolness and temperature. I introduced more blues and less saturation and warmth. Also the colour of the suit has a tint of blue which contributes to the overall colour palette where even the colour of the eyes match the scheme; I also ensured that the highlights and neutrals where cooler. The subject is facing slightly towards the right of the composition but still looking directly at the camera to keep the connections with the viewers. I feel that the pose used makes him look flamboyant and elegant due to the placing of his hand next to his face, this provides a fashion industry aesthetic as I got inspiration from a photo of David Beckham in a Hugo Boss advertisement above. The very stern and serious facial expression creates a very intense connection with the audience. Also I managed to alter and improve the composition by adding slight negative space to the left and right of the subject.

These photographs can be related through the type of pose and clothing acquired to both models and they both produce a fashion style outcome. In both occasions the models are leaning to the side but David is slightly more hunched over. In both cases there is negative space used which creates a very artistic composition. They both are quite dark through the background and type of lighting used. The eye contact made makes a great connection with the audiences. The framing is very similar and the only difference is that they act as opposites to each other. Also David Beckham looks more masculine than my model due to the fact that he is more hunched over and there is more contrast and shadows as well as the fact that he has facial hair. The atmospheres created are both quite tense and serious due to the formality of the clothing and facial expression which are enhanced by the colours. My image is slightly more colder in temperature as it is more muted than the above where there is more saturation in the skin.

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